Zoo Madrid

Look How Much 8-month-old Baby Kibo Has Grown!

Kibo, a critically endangered infant western-lowland gorilla at Zoo Madrid, turned 8 months old yesterday!

With four teeth on top and four on the bottom, baby Kibo now delights in eating solid fruits and veggies. His favorite is kiwi. Kibo is not yet not fully weaned from his mother Kukeña's breast milk.


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The Internet Has Chosen Panda Cubs’ Official Names!

The Mayor of Madrid and the Chinese Embassy are made proud godparents to the Madrid Zoo & Aquarium’s Panda twins

The Internet has voted and the most popular names are You You and Jiu Jiu. The names signify “friendship” with Spain and the wish for long life for the pandas.

Bautizo gemelos 100 días (2)

Madrid, December 17, 2021. The giant panda twins born on September 6 at the Madrid Zoo & Aquarium have received their official names today, their 100th birthday, when, according to tradition, they are considered strong enough.

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Watch Panda Twins Grow Before Your Eyes At Madrid Zoo

The Panda Twins Born September 6 at Zoo Madrid have grown like weeds in two months!

The transformation in these 60 days of life has been amazing. From the pink, visionless, delicate appearance and the 171.4 and 137.4 grams with which they were born, they have become beautiful giant pandas that already weigh 3.1 and 2.8 kilos, open their eyes and show off the parts more characteristics such as the soles of the hands with its opposable finger, the fully pigmented snout or its black scapular mark, unique in each specimen.

Gemelos panda Zoo Madrid

Voting on names, until December 5 

Coinciding with this moment of presentation in the cradle of the twins, the Madrid Zoo in consensus with the Association of Zoological Parks of China, the country's highest body for the Conservation of Giant Pandas, opens, starting today and until next 5 December, the voting of the names in which all Internet users will be able to participate and win double entries for the most original answers of the two names chosen by majority.

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The Neonatal Check-Up Of The Spanish Panda Twins Confirms Their Good Health

Madrid, September 7, 2021 - After the twin birth of pandas yesterday at Spain’s Zoo Aquarium Madrid, the technical and veterinary team of Zoo Aquarium Madrid in close collaboration with the two breeding technicians of the Chengdu Giant Panda Base, have carried out the first neonatal examination in which the umbilical cord was tied and disinfected and they were weighed, with 171.4 and 137.4 grams, respectively. As for sex, it is still unknown since the sexual characteristics are not very marked yet. In the coming days, Chengdu technicians will be able to confirm it with greater confidence.


The first eight weeks will be vital for these delicate babies that will be exchanged in an incubator to ensure, individually, the breastfeeding of both in a space where they will enjoy greater tranquility and well-being that will facilitate their development little by little, thus ensuring their survival. Until they open their eyes, begin to pigment their skin in about 20 days and replace the hair with the white lanugo that covers them in these first days.

It will not be until approximately two and a half months, when they are usually strong enough, when you can see them and choose a name with Spanish-Chinese symbolism that will be submitted to a vote through the social networks of the Madrid Zoo.

The preservation of the Giant Panda in the world

The conservation program, outside its place of origin, carried out at the Madrid Zoo Aquarium is of vital importance for the survival of this species (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) which, thanks to the efforts of breeding centers and zoological institutions of everyone has managed to reduce their threat category from Danger to Vulnerable, according to the IUCN.

Through the Parques Reunidos Foundation, the Madrid Zoo collaborates with the National Forest Service of China and the China Giant Panda Conservation Office in the conservation and reforestation of panda habitat. This project contributes directly to the protection of 67 nature reserves with a total habitat of more than 1.3 million hectares.

Panda Kisses for Zoo Madrid's Little Cub

Hua Zui Ba the Giant Panda is a superstar at Zoo Madrid:  She is providing exceptional care to the cub she delivered on August 30.

The newborn male cub cried loudly as Hua Zui Ba took him onto her lap within seconds of the birth. As the emotional veterinary team looked on, Hua Zui Ba licked and protected her tiny pink cub.

Photo Credit:  Zoo Madrid

Now, the cub is ready to take over the limelight.  He is growing rapidly and already weighs eight pounds (3.6 kg), which is more than most Panda cubs weigh at this age. 

The Zoo Madrid staff is following Chinese custom by giving the cub a name when he turns 100 days old.  All are invited to vote for their favorite name here.

Giant Pandas are Endangered and are found in small forest reserves within eastern central China.  International efforts, both in zoos and in the wild, have improved breeding success rates within the species, but habitat loss and poaching still threaten the survival of these beloved creatures.

See photos of the Panda cub as a newborn below the fold.

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"ZooBorns CATS!", The New Book, Hits Shelves Today!


From the guys who brought you the smash hit ZooBorns: The Newest, Cutest Animals from the World's Zoos and Aquariums, which DiscoverMagazine.com called “hands down the cutest books ever to grace my shelf” comes ZooBorns CATS! The Newest, Cutest Kittens and Cubs from the World's Zoos featuring adorable pictures of newborn felines from accredited zoos and conservation programs around the world. ZooBorns: Cats! is the largest and most complete collection of kittens of different feline species ever published! Every sale of ZooBorns CATS! supports the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conservation Endowment Fund. "CATS!" hits the shelves of local bookstores today, and you can order it now at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Look out for exclusive giveaways and excerpts on our Facebook page in the coming weeks!


Above: One of over 130 outstanding baby cat pictures from ZooBorns CATS!, this photograph by Life On White shows Chapu, one of Zoo Madrid's endangered Persian Leopard cubs.

Little Pandas Grow Up So Fast!

Panda Cubs at Madrid Zoo 2

It seems like only yesterday (more specifically, last October) that ZooBorns was announcing the birth of two tiny Giant Panda cubs at Madrid Zoo. Today "Pambassador" Jeroen Jacobs sent us new photos of the troublemaking duo and it appears they have almost outgrown their custom built Panda crib. Between time with mom, feedings with the keepers and rough-housing, cubs "De-De" and "Po" are growing up big and strong. 

Panda Cubs at Madrid Zoo 8

Panda Cubs at Madrid Zoo 1

Panda Cubs at Madrid Zoo 5

Many more pics below the fold

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Checking in on Madrid's Panda Cubs


Back in December we brought you news of Madrid Zoo's Giant Panda cubs and their transition from climate controlled incubator to custom Panda crib. Courtesy of "Pambassador" Jeroen Jacobs, here's another look at the cubs (named De De and Po) as they explore, wrestle, and in the case of Po, harass their sleepy brother. You can learn more about Zoo Madrid's Panda cubs on Jeroen's blog Giant Panda Zoo. While the cubs were safe and sound and/or trouble-making in their crib, mom, Hua Zuiba, was enjoying some personal time outside. Jeroen is one of six Pambassadors sponsored by China to travel to zoos and help document Giant Panda breeding and care. Best job ever? 



Photo credits: Jeroen Jacobs

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