
Rise and shine, little Siamang!

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Keepers have spotted the Zoo's youngest Siamang, Rahsia (born Labor Day 2020), being extra playful in the mornings as she explores her habitat and tests more solid foods, like lettuce. As she grows older and more independent, you're likely to see her sticking close to her dad, Wayan. This is a normal behavior for her species, and keepers say it's a healthy sign of development as she becomes less reliant on mom, Eve.

Endangered Siamang Gibbon Born at Phoenix Zoo

Phoenix Zoo Siamangs Haddie and Boyd welcomed this sweet little baby on November 22. Mom and baby are doing very well. While Zoo official don't yet know the baby's sex, they’ll announce it as soon as they know.

These photos and videos were taken in the Siamangs’ night house. Haddie, Boyd and now the baby live on an island. While keepers clean the island habitat and set out food and behavioral enrichment, the Siamangs hang out together in this night house.

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Siamang Gibbon Infant Born at Attica Zoo in Athens, Greece

Keepers and staff at Attica Zoological Park in Athens, Greece are thrilled to announce the birth of a male baby Siamang gibbon. The infant was born December 21 and he’s the 4th baby of Attica’s pair, Guildo and Conor.

Attica Zoo keeps their siamangs in free contact with the keepers so they can monitor their health and behavior from up close and be ready to treat any illness or injury from the very first signs.

Getting the baby used to this starts very early, from its first days.

Siamangs dwell in the Tropical rainforests of Malaysia, Sumatra, and Thailand.

Unlike other apes, they usually walk on two legs when on the ground.

Their extra-long arms help them swing from branch to branch, leaping distances up to 9m.

They are monogamous and pairs usually stay together for life.

Siamangs are syndactylous, having their 2nd and 3rd toes fused by a thin webbing of skin.

When fully inflated, the throat sac is comparable in size to the animal's head.

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San Diego Zoo Surprised with Siamang Birth


A 37-year-old Siamang, named Eloise, was recently photographed holding her infant after giving birth on exhibit, as volunteers and guests looked on, providing the San Diego Zoo with its first Siamang infant in more than 12 years.

Eloise and 35-year-old male, Unkie, had already been successful parents, and their genes are well represented in the Zoo’s Siamang population, so the pair’s breeding had been restricted for a number of years by chemical contraception. For that reason, the arrival of their newest youngster this week was a welcome surprise for animal care staff.

_A3P7439Photo Credits: Tammy Spratt/San Diego Zoo Global

The Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) is an arboreal black-furred gibbon that is native to the forests of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. It is the largest of the species and can be twice the size of other gibbons. Siamangs, like many of the animals at the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park, take part in the Species Survival Plan (SSP), a breeding program designed to ensure healthy, genetically diverse populations of threatened and endangered species through a network of accredited zoos. The Siamang is currently classified as “Endangered” by the IUCN.

Animal care staff plans to perform a full exam on the infant in the months ahead, and will be able to determine its sex at that time. Currently, Eloise, Unkie, and their newest addition are doing well, and Zoo guests can visit the trio in their habitat along Orangutan Trail, inside the Zoo’s Lost Forest.

Baby Siamang Swings into Tel Aviv

Baby Siamang and Mom at Tel Aviv Zoo

Earlier this month, Siamang mom and dad, Jamby and Jan (Jan is the boy), welcomed their first baby, which also marks the first baby Siamang for Zoological Center Tel Aviv Ramat Gan. Even though Jamby's pregnancy lasted eight months, the healthy baby weighed in at just 170 grams (1/3rd of a pound)!

When these Siamangs first arrived at Zoo Tel Aviv, they were exhibited with the Orangutans but the match was not meant to be. Jamby and Jan felt the need assert their dominance over their gentle roommates. When keepers decided the Siamangs were being bullies, the red apes were relocated.

Siamangs are endangered in their native home of Southeast Asia due to habitat destruction.

Baby Siamang Close-up Tel Aviv Zoo

Baby Siamang at Tel Aviv ZooPhoto credits: Tibor Jäger

Siamang Gibbon Baby Born at Baton Rouge Zoo

Baby face 33

Early in the morning on May 26, 2011 a Siamang Gibbon baby was born at BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo in Louisiana. The baby is currently on exhibit with its mother (born in 1993 at Fresno Zoo) and father (born in 1984 at San Francisco Zoo). Siamangs are monogamous and live with offspring until they reach maturity. This pair has reproduced in the past, and this is their third baby together.

At birth, the baby clings to its mother’s abdomen, getting necessary warmth and support. By age 2 the baby is independent, but still very much a part of the family structure. Siamangs are not possessive about food and often share with mates and offspring. They are fed a variety of fruits and vegetables along with primate chow.

 Siamang Born 5.26.11

Siamang family

Siamang 5.11

Photo Credit: Baton Rouge Zoo

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