SeaWorld Orlando

Little Loggerheads Weather the Storm at Sea World

Rough seas caused by Hurricane Bill prevented this tiny week-old trio baby Loggerhead Sea Turtles from safely trekking to the ocean from their nest. Lucky for them, park rangers in Cape Canaveral, Florida scooped them up and sent them to Sea World Orlando's Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Team for a few days of pampering until the seas calm down. Weighing around an ounce at birth, adult Loggerheads reach up to 800lbs!  

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Baby loggerhead sea turtle sea world orlando 2

Baby loggerhead sea turtle sea world orlando 3

Loggerheads are threatened by crab and shrimp boats as well as human obstacles that impede their journey from their nest on the beach to the shoreline. Artificial lighting, noise and beach activity can confuse causing them to head away from the ocean and toward parking lots and city streets. Learn more about sea turtles in general on Sea World's info page or about Loggerheads specifically, including how to help, at Oceana.  

Asian Otters Galore!

Just last week we announced the arrival of two Asian Small-clawed Otter pups at SeaWorld San Diego. Now we find out that SeaWorld Orlando has their own batch. Thought you'd want us to share...

SeaWorld Baby Otters 2

SeaWorld Baby Otters1
Photo credits:  Jason Collier/SeaWorld Orlando 

The smallest of all otters, Asian Small-clawed Otters are also notable for their paws, which grasp things much like human hands do. They are the only otters that grab prey with their paws instead of their teeth.



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Tawny Frogmouth Chicks

Meet Hoover and Sawyer, the two tawny frogmouth chicks hatched just last month at SeaWorld, Orlando. Often confused with owls, the tawny frogmouth is weaker and, frankly, lazier than most owls and is native to Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea. Well camouflaged, tawny frogmouths are so named because of their ridiculously wide beaks, already readily apparent on tiny Hoover and Sawyer.

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Tawny Frogmouth Chicks at SeaWorld Orlando 4
Photo credits:  Jason Collier, SeaWorld Orlando 

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