Melbourne Zoo

A Good Little Fellow...

Meet the Melbourne Zoo's newest Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo joey. While the baby is actually six months old, the little marsupial is just now starting to poke its head out of mom's pouch so these are some of the first glimpses for keepers and the public! Believe it or not, people actually hunt this rare kangaroo for food in its native home of Indonesia. Combined with habitat destruction, the animal's status is soon to be downgraded from endangered to critically endangered by the IUCN. These outstanding photos were taken by photographer Angelica Jellibat.

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Checking in with Melbourne's Wild-Eyed Elephant Calf

Melbourne Zoo's first Asian Elephant calf remains in the elephant barn with her mother Dokkoon. The birth was difficult and exhausting for Dokkoon who has spent the first week since her calf was born recovering. The calf is alert, active and playful, however, this is still a critical period for the newborn calf. Both mum and baby are still being monitored round the clock by Zoo staff.




Melbourne Zoo's Elephant Calf at 5... Days!

At only 5 days old, Melbourne Zoo's latest addition is already frolicking in her enclosure, and while mother and calf are doing well, this remains a critical time for the baby. The pair will stay off-exhibit for a few days yet, but you can follow her development at the Zoo's Baby Elephant Blog.





all photos by: David Caird

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Australia's First Ever Female Asian Elephant Birth

The first baby elephant in Melbourne Zoo's 147-year history was born early yesterday to the delight of tired but ecstatic Zoo staff. After weeks of round the clock monitoring, and enormous anticipation, Asian Elephant Dokkoon became the first elephant in Australia to give birth to a female calf and also to deliver a baby conceived by artificial insemination.




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