Knowsley Safari Park

First Photos Of Rare Southern White Baby Rhino Born At Knowsley Safari

October 31st, 2022  — A rare baby southern white rhinoceros has been born at Merseyside’s Knowsley Safari.

The southern white rhino calf arrived safely into the world on the evening of Sunday 23rd October, to mother Meru, following a calm and relaxed labour.

The birth was a welcome surprise to the Knowsley Safari team as white rhinos have a gestation period of 16 to 18 months and Meru had past her expected due date so it was thought that the pregnancy may not have progressed.


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Double the Fun: Two Rhinos Born at Knowsley Safari Park


Two White Rhinoceros calves – one male and one female – were born just two days apart at the Knowsley Safari Park.

On November 7, female Piglet delivered baby Njiri and on November 9, baby Thabo was born to 18-year-old Winnie.  Both calves were sired by 18-year-old bull Shako.  Piglet and Winnie were pregnant for 16 months.




The calves were given African names to celebrate their wild heritage.  Njiri means “warthog” and Thabo means “joy.”

These calves are the 12th and 13th Rhinos to be born at Knowlsey Safari Park in the last ten years.  The park’s breeding program is managed by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria’s (EAZA) European Endangered Species Programme (EEP).

White Rhinos are hunted extensively in their native African home and are perilously close to extinction with only about 20,000 remaining in the wild.  Rhinos are often killed solely for their horns, which are sought on the black market.  The birth of these two calves is important to maintaining a healthy and genetically diverse population in zoos – which may one day be needed to augment the dwindling wild population.

Photo Credits:  Knowsley Safari Park

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