Everland Zoo

Fennec Foxes are a ZooBorns Hit

Fennec fox

Time for a ZooBorns classic: Fennec Foxes! These little newborns were recently photographed at Everland Zoo in Seoul, Korea, by zoo photographer In Cheryl Kim. Last year, we crunched the numbers and found that a Fennec Fox photo by In Cheryl Kim was the number one cutest picture featured on our website, single-handedly bringing 500,000 new visitors to the ZooBorns website. (See those top 25 photos here.) The Fennec Fox has since become our mascot. To browse through our previous Fennec Fox posts— they are truly adorable—click here.

Fennec Foxes are endemic to the Sahara Desert, where their big ears let them detect insects dancing across the sand at night and fur lined paws protect them from scorching hot sand during the day. They are the smallest species of canid in the world. And there's good news: the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the Fenne Fox as a species of Least Concern, meaning that they are common throughout their range and don't seem to be declining. 

Fennec fox

fennec fox

Fennec foxPhoto credits: In Cheryl Kim / Everland Zoo

Blue Faced, Snubby Nosed, Golden Haired Babies!

Baby Golden Snub Nosed Monkey clings to mom at Everland Zoo

In the wild, Golden Snub Nosed Monkeys spend 97% of their time in the trees and live in widely ranging social units from just five individuals to over six hundred! These Old World monkeys live primarily off lichen. Unfortunately loggers in China remove the dead trees that produce the tastiest and most abundant lichens, steadily destroying this beautiful primate's habitat. These pictures were taken at Korea's Everland Zoo by In Cherl Kim this past November and December.

Baby Snub Nosed Monkey steps out at Everland Zoo

Baby Snub Nosed Monkey steps out at Everland Zoo

Photo credits: Everland Zoo / In Cherl Kim

Baby Chimpanzee Welcomed at Everland Zoo

Korea's Everland Zoo recently welcomed a baby Chimpanzee and these outstanding pictures were taken by zoo photographer In Cherl Kim just three days ago. Human's closest living relative, Chimpanzees have highly complex social structures and distinct cultures within communities with preferences for different types of tool use. For example, some groups of Chimpanzees use long sticks to fish out termites from within their mounds (imagine Fun Dip, just with twigs instead of the edible spoon and termites instead of the citrusy-sugar). Other groups of Chimps use rocks to smash open nuts or dig their way into beehives high in the trees. 

Baby chimpanzee at the everland zoo 1

Baby chimpanzee at the everland zoo 1

Want to learn more about Chimpanzee behavior? Click Continue reading

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Fennec Friday!

Twice in one week, the Everland Zoo's photographer, In Cherl Kim, has delivered outstanding photos of one of our favorite animals - this time it's the inimitable Fennec Fox! This small nocturnal fox's oversized ears help it track down tasty critters in the dark and also help it dissipate heat in the hot desert sun. An unanticipated tertiary benefit of the Fennec's huge ears was instant celebrity status on ZooBorns. In accredited North American zoos, Fennec Fox breeding is carefully managed by a Species Survival Plan, administered by the St. Louis Zoo. The first two pictures were taken just three days ago, while the second two pictures depict an older kit back in September.

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Family Portrait

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Photo credits: In Cherl Kim / Everland Zoo

If these aren't reason enough to plan a trip to Korea and the Everland Zoo, we're not sure what is.

Tiny Baby Marmoset Fits Nicely on Your Finger

Zoo photographer extraordinaire, In Cherl Kim, of Korea's Everland Zoo has once again delivered some outstanding marmoset photos. This baby marmoset monkey was photographed August 31st during a check-up. While their tiny size and inquisitive eyes make marmosets adorable, they also make them a frequent target for the illegal pet trade. Native to South and Central America, many species of marmoset are endangered thanks in part to this kind of poaching. So as cute as they are, remember they are meant to be admired from a distance!

Baby marmoset monkey everland zoo 1

Baby marmoset monkey everland zoo 1

Baby marmoset monkey everland zoo 1

Baby marmoset monkey everland zoo 1

Baby marmoset monkey everland zoo 1Photo credits: In Cherl Kim / Everland Zoo

Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Baby

Endangered in their native home in Central China, these beautiful monkeys spend almost their entire life in the trees. The golden snub nosed monkey's vegetarian diet of lichens, flowers, seeds, bark and fruit, seems to complement their thoughtful expressions. Unfortunately, this colorful species is endangered due to deforestation. Specifically, their favorite tasty lichens typically grow on dead trees and these are the ones that are often harvested for firewood and other uses. These pictures were captured by the inimitable In Cherl Kim at the Everland Zoo in Korea.

Baby golden snub nosed monkey everland zoo 2b

Baby golden snub nosed monkey everland zoo 1c

Baby golden snub nosed monkey everland zoo 2a


A Face Any Mother Would Love

The Everland Zoo in Seoul, Korea is always full of surprises. This time, it's a pair of Bat-eared Fox pups photographed just days ago by In Cherl Kim. Bat-eared Foxes are mostly nocturnal animals that live in small groups consisting of mated pairs and their young. The pairs live in dens and typically raise two to five pups together. Mated pairs are very social and are monogamous, although it is unknown if they mate for life.



Photo Credits: In Cherl Kim

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The Everland Zoo's Adorable Fennec Fox Kits

Time to check back in on our favorite Fennec Fox kits at the Everland Zoo in Seoul, Korea. Zoo photographer In Cherl Kim takes outstanding photos of these epically adorable canines. Fennec Foxes are uniquely suited to the desert, where their big ears let them detect insects dancing across the sand at night and fur lined paws protect them from scorching hot sand during the day. 

Fennec fox everland zoo 1 

Fennec fox everland zoo 2 

Fennec fox everland zoo 3