Dreamworld on Australia's Gold Coast

Koala Joeys Galore for Australia's Dreamworld


Meet the as-yet-unnamed joey Koala, one of a whopping 11 baby Koalas at Australia's Dreamworld’s Wildlife Experience who are getting close to emerging from their mother's pouches . They will be the latest additions to the Koala colony there. Mom Beejay and her little 5 month old joey is featured in today’s post.

While gestation is only 34 days, the baby koala then lives in it's mother's pouch for about another 6 months, where it continues to grow to the point of making an appearance.

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Photo Credit: Dreamworld Australia

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Look at Those Beautiful Baby Blues!

He may have been christened “Logan”, but as soon as Dreamworld’s superstar emerged from his mum’s pouch and took a first glimpse of the world late in late 2007, he was dubbed “Frank” for his extraordinary blue eyes.

He’s a little puff of fur with intense blue eyes, kind of like a Mel Gibson with a bit more fluff. Or Sinatra without the croon,” said Dreamworld’s Life Sciences Supervisor, Michelle Barnes. "I have worked with koalas for 14 years and have never seen a blue eyed one before.” 


A natural born performer like his namesake!

Photos Courtesy of Dreamworld on Australia's Gold Coast

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