Amersfoort Zoo

Twin Bush Babies Born At Dierenpark Amersfoort

Two Senegal galagos have been born at DierenPark Amersfoort. “The twins are doing well,” says animal caretaker Lotte Gielen. “The mother carries her young through the dark jungle so that they explore the enclosure.” Galagos are prosimians and active in the dark. The gender of the Galago twins is still unknown.

Senegal galago’s komen van oorsprong voor in de beboste gebieden en op de savannes van Midden-Afrika

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Rare Zebra Foal At Amersfoort Zoo Is A Female!

The zebra foal that was born in June at DierenPark Amersfoort is a female and has been given the name Zuri. “Zuri is a very playful mare. The independent and curious foal regularly explores the Savannah alone. She is happily frolicking around and that produces beautiful images", animal caretaker Lois van der Velde reveals.

De speelse  ondernemende spring-in-‘t-veld is een leuke toevoeging aan de kudde

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Rare Pygmy Slow Loris Twins Receive Training

The sexes of the rare pygmy slow loris twins at DierenPark Amersfoort is known. They’re boys! The brothers, who were born in May, are healthy and are increasingly leaving their mother's side. Now that they are a bit older, the babies have had their first training days. “They receive kennel and scale training. Through these voluntary training courses, we prepare the young for transport and we keep an eye on their health," says animal caretaker Paul Rodewijk.

In DierenPark Amersfoort is een kleine plompe lori-tweeling geboren

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It’s A Boy!

The sloth infant born in April at Amersfoort Zoo is a male. The tenth baby for mother Amaka and father Quasimodo makes them the most successful sloth couple in Europe. “With sloths it is very difficult to tell whether it is a male or female. DNA testing provides the answer," says animal caretaker Christel Broekman. “We named the youngster Diego. We think the Spanish name is very appropriate for the sloth that occurs in the wild in Latin America.”

Het luiaardjong dat in april in DierenPark Amersfoort is geboren  is een mannetje

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Rare Capuchin Monkey Born At Amersfoort Zoo

An infant has been born in the group of yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys at Amersfoort Zoo in The Netherlands. “If you look closely, you can see a small monkey sitting on the mother's neck,” says animal caretaker Marianne Spies. “The young are doing well and are already looking around curiously to discover the world.”

Het jong maakt het goed en kijkt al nieuwsgierig om zich heen om de wereld te ontdekken

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Porcupine Born At Amersfoort Zoo

A white-tailed porcupine has been born at Amersfoort Zoo. The baby can occasionally be seen outside. It is the second porcupette for this mother. The sex of the animal is not yet known. "We hope to get an answer to that soon," says animal caretaker Marc Belt. “We leave the young alone as much as possible. The mother is also very protective of the little one.”

The little porcupine keeps up well with the group and has already taken its first steps outside. “We have made a special staircase for this, so that he or she can easily walk out of the indoor accommodation,” Marc says. The other porcupines are also used to their new inhabitant. “They are often close to each other.”

De andere stekelvarkens zijn ook al gewend aan hun nieuwe medebewoner


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Sloth Born At Amersfoort Zoo

A sloth was born in DierenPark Amersfoort. "It is already the tenth time that mother Amaka carries a baby on her stomach", animal caretaker Christel Broekman says. The Amersfoort sloths Amaka and Quasimodo thus remain the most successful sloth couple in Europe: the couple has given birth to the most young in recent years. Christel: “It is very special that the sloths have been caring for offspring for so long.”

Over een aantal maanden zal de kleine luiaard zelf op onderzoek gaan en zelfstandig leren hangen


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Piglets Born At Amersfoort Zoo

DierenPark Amersfoort welcomes seven Bonte Bentheimer piglets. Mother Liv has given birth to her first litter. "It is always exciting how the delivery goes and how Liv reacts to her new offspring," says animal caretaker Marc Belt. “Everything seems to be going well. The youngsters are drinking well and carefully taking their first steps.”

Biggetjes geboren in DierenPark Amersfoort


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Camel Born at DierenPark Amersfoort

In the early morning today (Mar. 22), a camel came into the world at Amersfoort Zoo. The baby nurses well and, under the care of mother Rosa, walks around in the enclosure. "After birth, it is important that the young camel is on its own feet within a few hours. In the wild, a camel is vulnerable if the animal remains on the ground," says zookeeper Corine de Ruiter. Camels are native to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia and China. "There, the wild camel is threatened with extinction. Among other things, poachers and drought reduce the survival rate of the animal. In addition, the habitat is used for livestock and industry, for example, so there is less and less land for wild camels," explains the zookeeper.

De dierverzorgers hebben het geslacht kunnen vaststellen_ het jong is een vrouwtje en heeft de naam ‘Raya’ gekregen


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Galago Babies!

Two Senegal galagos have been born at Amersfoort Zoo. “The two young monkeys are doing well”, animal caretaker Christel Broekman tells. “Galagos are native to the forested areas and savannas from Senegal to Somalia and Tanzania. The monkeys can now mainly be found with their mother, but they will soon discover their habitat one step at a time. Then we can also determine their gender.”

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