
Baby Boom For Pecs Zoo!

Hungary’s Pecs Zoo has experienced a bit of a baby boom! Mandula here (meaning Almond) is the zoo’s second alpaca. Born September 24, he’s a very happy, funny and active little guy, who loves to play with the adults and to annoy his half brother Duett. 

This Colobus baby was a surprise for Pecs Zoo officials. Born Jan. 1, he or she arrived just ten months after the zoo's previous offspring.

Last but not least is baby Vitéz, the Grivet infant, born November 2nd. He's the 5th offspring to mom Berta and dad Radar.

Nashville Zoo’s Alpaca Makes out like a ‘Bandit’

Alpaca Calf sm - Amiee Stubbs

Nashville Zoo is excited to share news of the birth of an Alpaca!

Alpaca Calf w adults sm - Kathleen Gregory

IMG_0182 - Kathleen Gregory

IMG_0347 - Kathleen GregoryPhoto Credits: Amiee Stubbs (Image 1); Kathleen Gregory (Images 2,3,4)

Born December 13th, the male, named ‘Bandit’, is the first Alpaca to be born at the Zoo. The baby weighed in at 14 lbs. and stood about two feet tall. Bandit’s thick coat ensures he is all set for the cold weather, and he should be on exhibit throughout winter.

Even before birth, it seems Bandit was well suited for his rebel-style moniker. “Based on the mother’s weight gain, we had predicted the baby would be born in spring, so his arrival on a December Saturday morning was quite a surprise,” said Kacie Cummings, Contact Area Supervisor. “We are thrilled that baby Bandit is healthy and on exhibit with the rest of our Alpacas.”

With the addition of the baby, the Nashville Zoo is home to five Alpacas at Critter Encounters, their interactive area where guests can get up-close experiences with goats, camels, Galapagos tortoises and a variety of birds.

Alpacas are domesticated animals native to South America and a part of the camelid family. They thrive in high elevations and their thick wool coat is used to keep them warm in their native mountainous environment.

Baby Alpaca Takes Wobbly First Steps at Children's Zoo

1 alpaca

A baby alpaca—also called a cria— was born on the morning of October 16 at The Children’s Zoo at Celebration Square in Michigan. The little boy, named Cypress, was standing on his own wobbly legs just two hours after birth. He started walking and nursing with a little bit of encouragement from a keeper. 

Lily, his mother, is doing very well after the birth and is naturally very caring and nurturing. (She is the white alpaca in the pictures.) Cypress' one-year-old sister, Rose, was immediately jealous and kept nosing her way into all of his photos. But it didn't take too before she seemed to be more accepting of sharing the limelight and played nice on camera, even planting big kiss on her baby brother's face. 

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6 alpacaPhoto credits: Children's Zoo

See a video of Cyprus' first steps:


See more photos of the alpaca family after the fold.

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