Four Roars For Four Tiny Paws!
September 08, 2023
Monarto Safari Park is roaring with excitement to welcome four cubs to the world, with African Lion Husani (pronounced who-saa-nee) giving birth to a healthy litter.
The little lions were born on Wednesday 30 August.
Senior Keeper of Carnivores, Rachel Hemming, says mum and cubs are doing well.
“Husani is a great mum, this is her third litter and she’s again showing very positive behaviour with these four cubs.
“The family is snuggled up in a private den where we are monitoring them closely via remote cameras.
“So far, observation points to all signs being positive and the cubs are healthy, spending time being groomed by Husani, suckling and bonding,” finished Rachel.
The cubs will begin moving around the den at about three weeks and start to follow Husani at five weeks.
At around the twelve week mark the cubs will be mobile enough to keep up with the rest of the pride. Visitors can look forward to seeing the cubs out in the main habitat around this milestone.
While The Monarto Team are thrilled by Husani’s news, they are saddened to share that African Lion Makena (pronounced ma-kee-na) lost her cub which was born mid-August.
As a first time mum, keepers and the vet team were monitoring Makena closely. She was quick to display positive maternal behaviour and both mum and cub were tracking along well.
Unfortunately, monitoring indicated that Makena accidentally laid on the cub and it didn’t survive.
Despite all signs looking positive, it’s difficult when nature’s circle of life takes a different course. In the wild, about 80% of lion cubs don’t survive to two years of age.
The dedicated keeping team are continuing to watch Makena closely. She will stay behind the scenes for a few days before joining the pride.
African Lions are listed as vulnerable to extinction by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The birth of Husani’s cubs shows the real impact Zoos SA is having in helping save this species from extinction.
Zoos SA also supports these big cats in partnership with the Zambian Carnivore Program, which does amazing work in conservation research, habitat restoration and education.
As a conservation charity, each time the public visits their favourite animal at Monarto Safari Park, purchases a membership or gift from the Zoo Shop, they are helping to save these incredible animals for future generations.