Checking In With Baby Udara
Raising Nature's Clean-Up Crew

UPDATE: Asante The Giraffe Calf Settling In With His Tower

Milwaukee County Zoo Keepers share that Asante (Born August 4th) and mom, Ziggy, continue to bond and are now spending the night with the other females in the indoor habitat. During the day, Asante and his half-sister, Poppy, can often be seen romping together, studying the public, or napping. Asante, like other calves his age, is experimenting with solid food and eating a small amount of alfalfa, browse (leaves from trees and shrubs), and pelleted chow — although he’s still nursing quite a bit as well. Along with Poppy, he spends a lot of time following his older half-sister, Maya, his aunt, Rahna, and other female, Marlee, outside. And he continues to grow, standing tall at roughly 6’6” now!

Giraffe Asante 08-2022-0016831 E

Previously on ZooBorns:

Giraffes Asante and Poppy 08-2022-0016865 E
