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September 2022

London Zoo’s Tiger Cubs Get First Health Check

ZSL London Zoo’s trio of tiger cubs have had their visit from the Zoo’s veterinarians, who were finally able to confirm the sexes of the stripy babies – two males and a female! 

ZSL veterinarian Dr Ellie Milnes gave each cub a thorough nose-to-tail examination, checking their eyes, teeth, heart, and overall physical health as well as weighing each cub. All three were given a clean bill of health, and their information added to the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS), a database shared with zoos all over the world that helps zookeepers and conservationists to compare important information on thousands of endangered species.   

Sumatran tiger cub health checks at London Zoo (c) ZSL London Zoo

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Zooming To Catch Up With Marigold, The Baby Blue Duiker

Remember blue duiker calf, Marigold, born July 24th at Maryland Zoo in Baltimore?

We thought it was as good a time as any to catch up with her and report how she’d been doing over the last couple of months.

At about four-weeks-old, she was being given regular access to the outdoor yard of the Antelope Barn. She has been very curious, constantly investigating her new surroundings in the behind-the-scenes area under the close watch of mom.

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Spring Has Sprung At Taronga Zoo With The Emergence Of Two Adorable Kangaroo Joeys!

Not one, but two adorable Red Kangaroo joeys have started to emerge from the security of their mother’s pouch just in time for the spring school holidays.

The two joeys, one female and one male were born to first-time mothers Yoolah and Pebbles are estimated to be around seven months old.

Both the joeys which are yet to be named are growing in both size and confidence every day, with the female joey being slightly more adventurous than the male joey at the moment.

RedRooJoey_2 copy

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Endangered Giraffe Calf Born at Safari Park

Keepers at West Midland Safari Park are celebrating the birth of an incredibly cute, endangered giraffe calf.

The six-foot-tall baby boy was born in the Park’s new giraffe house, at 12:30am on 13 September 2022, to third-time mum, Arusha and dad Rufus.

After a gestation period of around 15 months, keepers have been eagerly awaiting the birth, but as the calf was born at night, the event was captured on CCTV.

WMSP Baby Giraffe 20-09-22 pic6

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Four Female Fennec Fox Kits Emerge From The Den

Safari Park Dvůr Králové in The Czech Republic has quadruplet female fennec fox kits! The first signs there were kits came July 11, but only by September were officials sure there were four of them. The mother gave birth to them and raised them deep in their burrow.

There are only a handful of zoos in Europe that have bred females over the past year, and Safari Park Dvůr Králové is the only one in the Czech Republic. Amazingly, this female gave birth twice in the last year. This litters’ one-year-old quadruplet siblings can also still be seen at the zoo!

2022_08_31_Simona Jiřičková_Mláďata fenka3

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Baby Honey Badger!

The Czech Republic’s Safari Park Dvur Králové has welcomed a baby honey badger! He recently turned one month old. The mother, the female BeeBee, takes exemplary care of the baby and has not yet taken a step away from him.

The breeding of honey badgers is extremely rare and is managed by only a handful of zoos in the world. The last honey badger ZooBorns featured was born over 10 years ago! This little one is the second born at Dvur Králové in a relatively short time. The very first in the history of the safari park was born to BeeBee and Tyson on Christmas Day 2020.

We think the cub will leave the facility in a few months. For now, you can at least watch him on the camera from the delivery box. The live broadcast is running at the  Park’s Honey Badger Exhibit.

📷 Kateřina Bílková / Safari Park Dvur Králové

Exciting “Pup”date From West Midland Safari Park

11 August 2022  The U.K.’s West Midland Safari Park is pleased to announce the arrival of three, tiny meerkat pups – the first litter in over nine years.

Signs that the incredibly cute youngsters had been born, were spotted on 22 July, when none of the adult meerkats were out in their habitat. Keepers found the adults’ heads poking out of the nest box, with some tiny squeaks being emitted from inside.

WMSP Baby Meerkats 11-08-22 pic1

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Gibbon and Otter Encounter

Recently, Brookfield Zoo’s nearly 10-month-old Asian small-clawed otter pups had access to their habitat along with the white-cheeked gibbons. Last Friday (September 9), one of the pups seemed very inquisitive about the new “neighbors” and went over to investigate. Neubo, an 8-year-old male white-cheeked gibbon, didn’t seem to mind the curious otter. In the past, animal care staff has observed similar interactions with introductions between the two species. For this particular instance, staff is not sure if these encounters will continue or if the novelty will wear off. Guests can see the gibbons and otters in Brookfield Zoo’s Tropic Word: Asia habitat.

 (credit Lynette Kleisner/CZS-Brookfield Zoo)

Baby Helina’s Grand Debut!

Zoo officials today announced female Amur tiger cub, Helina, made her grand debut at the Indianapolis Zoo! She was very curious about her new surroundings and made sure to climb, sniff and explore her new habitat, thrilling guests who were on hand to see her debut.

Yesterday, the Zoo prepped the public for the debut with this announcement on social media:

“We have some grrr-reat news to share! The tiger cubs are making their public debut this week! 🐯 This Friday at 9:30am, you could have the purr-fect opportunity to see our adorable cubs venture out into their new habitat!

Helina Pic 7

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Meet Ringo and Camilo

Two coatis came to the Fort Worth Zoo (TX) at the beginning of July named Ringo and Camilo (born in May). They are not brothers but have been together for almost their entire lives. 

They are part of the outreach program/ambassador animals which means they interact with guests in different parts of the Zoo. Because of this, they are trained to present certain behaviors to ease their daily care and transportation throughout the Zoo. They are trained to voluntarily get in their crates and walk on a leash with a harness. They are also trained to “come” and to follow a target.


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