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Baby Honey Badger!

The Czech Republic’s Safari Park Dvur Králové has welcomed a baby honey badger! He recently turned one month old. The mother, the female BeeBee, takes exemplary care of the baby and has not yet taken a step away from him.

The breeding of honey badgers is extremely rare and is managed by only a handful of zoos in the world. The last honey badger ZooBorns featured was born over 10 years ago! This little one is the second born at Dvur Králové in a relatively short time. The very first in the history of the safari park was born to BeeBee and Tyson on Christmas Day 2020.

We think the cub will leave the facility in a few months. For now, you can at least watch him on the camera from the delivery box. The live broadcast is running at the  Park’s Honey Badger Exhibit.

📷 Kateřina Bílková / Safari Park Dvur Králové
