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A Baby Orangutan Is Born At The Zoo

A new Bornean orangutan was born at the Barcelona Zoo in May. The baby is in perfect health and has already been seen clinging to its mother and breast feeding. This is the third daughter of Jawi, an orangutan also born at the Zoo twenty-five years ago, and Karl.

The new baby brings the number of orangutans in the Zoo complex to seven. This species is in critical danger of extinction in its natural habitat, owing to deforestation in Borneo and Sumatra through the felling of trees and cultivation of palm oil.

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Fotograma orangutan 8_RETOC

The Barcelona Zoo Foundation, in conjunction with the Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF), carries out conservation, awareness and education programmes among the local population in a bid to save this primate. This work is carried out in addition to the new model for the Zoo to actively contribute to conservation, scientific research and dissemination of fauna and its natural habitats, with a special emphasis on Mediterranean fauna and species in danger of extinction, under sustainability criteria and always caring for the welfare of animals.
