Drusillas Zoo Discover Sloth-tastic Surprise Baby!
New Year, Newborn Bonobo Baby!

Baby Boom!

There are many different phrases that could be used to describe 2021. For Ohio’s Akron Zoo, the phrase is 'baby boom!' They welcomed 13 babies this year!

The first little ones to arrive were two penguin chicks - Ernesto hatched on March 12 and Xiomara on April 5.

They were soon followed by the birth of 8 red wolf pups on April 22. This was the first time they had ever had pups. The species is critically endangered, with fewer than 20 wolves remaining in their native habitat. Akron made history when it was able to reintroduce four of the pups into their native habitat through a partnership with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Another first for Akron was the hatching of an Andean condor chick on July 23. Luca was one of only two condor chicks hatched in a facility accredited by Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

A week later, a female Speke's gazelle calf, Sagal, was born on July 30.

The last little one to be born this year was a white-cheeked gibbon baby on Dec. 9. This infant was another first for us here at the Akron Zoo, and he or she is also the first birth in Akron’s brand-new area, Lehner Family Foundation Wild Asia! 

Here's to continuing to grow the Zoo family in 2022!
