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December 2021

Zander The Baby Roo Finds His Footing!

San Antonio Zoo officials are pleased to report that Zander, the farthest along (by quite a bit) of 8 confirmed joeys in the zoo’s Kangaroo Krossing area, is about 6 months old. His mother’s name is Marble.

This was the first time Zoo officials witnessed him out and about on his own. Typically, if he popped out, he’d immediately head back into the pouch. As we can see, he still hasn’t quite found his sea legs! 

As time goes on, visitors will see him and the others hopping around much more!

Baby Mouse-deer!

A Java mouse-deer has been born at the Warsaw ZOO Aviary.

Warsaw’s Java mouse-deer pair Linda and Arnold has surely given the Zoo a wonderful gift in time for the holidays: On the 2nd of December their little baby came into the world. The fawn currently measures 10cm tall and is the couple’s first baby. It’s sex remains unknown.

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The lively fawn explores its enclosure with great interest, but never strays too far from mom. During the first days of life it is completely dependent on her milk. A hooved animal, it is physically quite independent – only a short while after being born the fawn was running around on its tiny legs, following its mom around its habitat. Linda is proving to be a wonderful mother, and very caring toward her baby. Arnold is also keeping a keen fatherly eye on his offspring.

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The Internet Has Chosen Panda Cubs’ Official Names!

The Mayor of Madrid and the Chinese Embassy are made proud godparents to the Madrid Zoo & Aquarium’s Panda twins

The Internet has voted and the most popular names are You You and Jiu Jiu. The names signify “friendship” with Spain and the wish for long life for the pandas.

Bautizo gemelos 100 días (2)

Madrid, December 17, 2021. The giant panda twins born on September 6 at the Madrid Zoo & Aquarium have received their official names today, their 100th birthday, when, according to tradition, they are considered strong enough.

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Belfast Zoo Welcomes Baby Vicuna Born During Storm Arwen

Born during storm Arwen on Friday, November 26, this baby Vicuna can be seen exploring it’s new home under the close eye of mum and dad.

Vicuñas are the smallest members of the camel family.

A baby vicuna was born at Ireland’s Belfast Zoo during Storm Arwen, a powerful extratropical cyclone.

The Zoo’s fluffy little new addition was born to mother Áine and father Ozark.

The now three-week-old was born overnight during the storm, with zookeepers making the wonderful discovery the following morning. The baby’s gender is currently unknown but keepers are hopeful they’ll be able to confirm it in the coming weeks.

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Birthday Bat!

Roxy was born a year ago yesterday at the Oregon Zoo. She’s a Rodrigues flying fox, a critically endangered species of bat. Keepers hand-reared her after she was rejected by her mom.

Closer in size to a flying prairie dog — and in appearance to a flying Ewok — this endangered species is native only to Rodrigues, a tiny island in the Indian Ocean about 900 miles east of Madagascar. The bat plays an important ecological role on the island, where few other pollinators or seed dispersers exist.

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Clouded Leopard Zoomies!

A four-month-old clouded leopard cub named Rakhan (pronounced Rah-kaan) recently arrived at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. The cub joins the zoo on a breeding recommendation through the Species Survival Plan®.


“Clouded leopards are highly endangered, and cubs like Rakhan help keep zoo populations healthy and genetically diverse,” said Telena Welsh, the zoo’s curator of Asian animals. “Breeding clouded leopards in zoos is a crucial way to keep this species from being completely wiped out.”

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Hand-rearing A Steenbok Calf

Christmas has come early! Over the weekend the Abilene Zoo welcomed a baby steenbok into the world. This species of antelope inhabits most of southern Africa. The newborn female weighs just under two pounds. When full grown, a steenbok female can weigh up to twenty eight pounds. The Abilene Zoo’s Animal Care team is currently hand-raising this baby, who was born slightly under weight and did not begin nursing immediately. "We are going to ensure she is receiving the proper nutrition," said Dr. Stephanie Carle, Senior Veterinarian. “She is gaining weight and growing and we are pleased with her development.” The Abilene Zoo’s hope is to reunite her with her Mother shortly after the first of the year.  


Bruce Wayne, GOAT, Celebrates His 3rd Birthday!

Yesterday, Bruce Wayne, a Nigerian Dwarf goat born in 2018 at the Oregon Zoo's Jonsson Center for Wildlife Conservation celebrated his 3rd birthday! He now lives at the Zoo’s Family Farm with the rest of the goat herd.


To celebrate the occasion, Oregon Zoo has shared some outstanding highlight clips and we are thrilled to pass them along to you!

The Nigerian dwarf is a miniature goat from West Africa. It has been domesticated as a dairy goat and can be found throughout the world.

Two Andean Bear Cubs Emerge From Den And Make Public Debut At Queens Zoo

Queens, NY – December 14, 2021 – Two Andean bear cubs (Tremarctos ornatus) born at the Queens Zoo are making their public debut.

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The cubs, a male and a female, have yet to be named. They were born this summer to dam, Nicole, and sire, Bouba. This is the third successful litter for Nicole and Bouba, who have now produced five offspring.

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Panda Twins Make Their Public Debut!

The moment has finally arrived: The two tiny panda cubs are visible to the public for the first time at ZooParc de Beauval! They are doing wonderfully and recently took their first steps! These first steps are sometimes uncertain, and result in a few "tumbles" for the adoring visitors.


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