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New Video Of Adorable Amur Tiger Cubs At Highland Wildlife Park

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) has shared new video of six-month-old endangered Amur tiger cubs, Nishka, Layla and Aleksander, playfighting at Highland Wildlife Park, near Aviemore, this month.  

Keepers at the wildlife conservation charity say the trio’s personalities are developing as they grow bolder and more confident, often entertaining visitors with their playful antics.  

Keith Gilchrist, animal collection manager at Highland Wildlife Park, said, “It has been wonderful to see our three cubs and mum Dominika grow over the past six months. At half a year old, the cub’s characters are starting to shine.  

“Nishka is the most confident around us and is always chuffing in the hope of more meat chunks. 

“Layla follows in her footsteps as the two are always together, play fighting and keeping mum on her toes.  

“Little Aleksander is more reserved and spends the most time with Dominika, but he is slowly becoming braver, exploring more and playing with his sisters. 

“Amur tiger family groups do not usually live together in the wild and Dominika is still fiercely protective of the cubs, so dad Botzman is living separately for now.” 

The public can help care for the Amur tiger family at the park and support wildlife conservation around the world by adopting the species this Christmas at bit.ly/AdoptAmurTiger
