Naked Mole Rat Babies!
November 14, 2021
August 2021. A litter of naked mole rat can already be seen in the Bioparc Valencia in Spain, a very strange and unknown mammal that behaves like an insect, is practically immune to cancer, can change from cold to warm blooded, has developed four mobile teeth, is extraordinarily long-lived and, in the absence of oxygen, acts like a plant.
Given its relevance from the biological point of view, BIOPARC Valencia houses a large group of approximately 100 individuals structured in two completely independent colonies. Each one usually reproduces annually and this summer a new litter of 9 offspring has been born that we can see even suckling from their mother. We can contemplate them in the area that recreates the underground life of the Savannah, through windows where the network of tunnels and rooms that imitate their original habitat can be observed.
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