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The Neonatal Check-Up Of The Spanish Panda Twins Confirms Their Good Health

Madrid, September 7, 2021 - After the twin birth of pandas yesterday at Spain’s Zoo Aquarium Madrid, the technical and veterinary team of Zoo Aquarium Madrid in close collaboration with the two breeding technicians of the Chengdu Giant Panda Base, have carried out the first neonatal examination in which the umbilical cord was tied and disinfected and they were weighed, with 171.4 and 137.4 grams, respectively. As for sex, it is still unknown since the sexual characteristics are not very marked yet. In the coming days, Chengdu technicians will be able to confirm it with greater confidence.


The first eight weeks will be vital for these delicate babies that will be exchanged in an incubator to ensure, individually, the breastfeeding of both in a space where they will enjoy greater tranquility and well-being that will facilitate their development little by little, thus ensuring their survival. Until they open their eyes, begin to pigment their skin in about 20 days and replace the hair with the white lanugo that covers them in these first days.

It will not be until approximately two and a half months, when they are usually strong enough, when you can see them and choose a name with Spanish-Chinese symbolism that will be submitted to a vote through the social networks of the Madrid Zoo.

The preservation of the Giant Panda in the world

The conservation program, outside its place of origin, carried out at the Madrid Zoo Aquarium is of vital importance for the survival of this species (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) which, thanks to the efforts of breeding centers and zoological institutions of everyone has managed to reduce their threat category from Danger to Vulnerable, according to the IUCN.

Through the Parques Reunidos Foundation, the Madrid Zoo collaborates with the National Forest Service of China and the China Giant Panda Conservation Office in the conservation and reforestation of panda habitat. This project contributes directly to the protection of 67 nature reserves with a total habitat of more than 1.3 million hectares.
