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Pablo The 11-Month-Old Western Lowland Gorilla Receives Routine Vet Check At Boston’s Franklin Park Zoo

11-month-old western lowland gorilla Pablo recently underwent an exam requiring anesthesia at Franklin Park Zoo’s Hospital in Boston. Baby gorillas typically have their first routine exam around this age to make sure that they’re strong and healthy. All went well with the exam, which included bloodwork, radiographs, weight (just over 19 pounds!), and a general check-up on Pablo’s body condition.

The youngest member of the FPZ troop is looking great and growing like a gorilla tot should! Pablo had a smooth recovery and was reunited with mom, Kiki, right away following the exam. The pair were back on exhibit with the rest of the gorilla troop the next day. Thanks to the dedicated team for making sure that everything went safely for all involved!
