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Baby Giraffe at Safari West Needs a Name

On February 13th, Safari West welcomed a brand new baby giraffe born there on the Sonoma Serengeti. This 6-foot newborn tips the scales at 130 pounds and is ready to meet his fans! There’s just one problem. He needs a name!

2021-02-13 SAFARI WEST  (2)
2021-02-13 SAFARI WEST  (2)
2021-02-13 SAFARI WEST  (2)

What should they name the new baby giraffe?






Polls close March 1, 2021, at midnight PST.

Show your support for this vulnerable species and spread some love for him today by helping them name that baby!

Always one of the most famous and recognizable of Africa’s mammals, the lovely giraffe has recently become a conservation issue as well. Although most people still don’t know it, giraffes have sadly found themselves on the Endangered Species List! More than ever before, we need to focus attention on the study and conservation of this unique species. The giraffes at Safari West have served as ambassadors for their species for decades and continue to inspire and educate tens of thousands of human visitors every year. Safari West looks forward to this newest arrival continuing the tradition with the next generation of conservationists.

Photographs and video by Will Bucquoy.
