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Wroclaw Welcomes Litter of Red River Hogs


Zoo Wrocław is excited to announce the birth of a litter of Red River Hogs. Three piglets were born on April 3rd. The matriarch of the herd, and new mother, is Petunia. Petunia arrived at Zoo Wroclaw from Brooklyn, NYC, and her partner, Jumbo, arrived from France.

The Zoo is eager to find names for the new youngsters and is willing to accept any and all suggestions for names! Suggestions can be made to their social media page: https://www.facebook.com/wroclawskiezoo/ and their website: http://www.zoo.wroclaw.pl/  



4_17796774_10155198544934719_2576291454719781431_nPhoto Credits: Zoo Wroclaw/Pawlik

The Red River Hog (Potamochoerus porcus) is a wild member of the pig family native to the Guinean and Congolian forests of Africa. It is rarely seen away from rainforests, and generally prefers areas near rivers or swamps.

The hog species has striking orange to reddish-brown fur, with black legs and a tufted white stripe along the spine. Adults have white markings around the eyes and on the cheeks and jaws; the rest of the muzzle and face are a contrasting black. Males have prominent facial whiskers, and the entire body is covered in hair, with no bare skin visible.

On average, adults weigh 45 to 115 kg (99 to 254 lb) and stand 55 to 80 cm (22 to 31 in) tall, with a length of 100 to 145 cm (39 to 57 in). Boars are somewhat larger than sows, and have distinct conical protuberances on either side of the snout and rather small, sharp tusks. The facial protuberances are bony and probably protect the boar's facial tendons during head-to-head combat with other males.

The species is omnivorous, eating mainly roots and tubers. It also supplements its diet with fruit, grasses, herbs, eggs, dead animal and plant remains, insects, and lizards. It uses its large muzzle to sort through soil in search of food, as well as scraping the ground with tusks and forefeet.

Although primarily nocturnal or crepuscular, Red river hogs are often active during the day. They typically live in small groups of approximately six to ten animals, composed of a single adult male, and a number of adult females and their young. However, larger groups with over 30 individuals have been noted in particularly favorable habitats.

They communicate with grunts and squeals that can signal alarm, distress, or passive contact.

Red River Hogs breed seasonally. Gestation lasts about 120 days.

The mother constructs a nest from dead leaves and dry grass before giving birth to a litter of up to six piglets, with three to four being average. The piglets weigh 650 to 900 g (23 to 32 oz) at birth, and are initially dark brown with yellowish stripes and spots. They are weaned after about four months, and develop the plain reddish adult coat by about six months. Their dark facial markings do not appear until they reach adulthood, at about two years of age.

The Red River Hog is currently classified as “Least Concern” by the IUCN.

