Playful Giraffe Calf Meets the Herd at Zoo Praha
August 17, 2014
Born on August 9 at the Czech Republic’s Zoo Praha, this baby Giraffe is already integrated into daily life among the herd.
The male calf took his first steps within hours of birth to Fary, his mother. When he was introduced to the rest of the herd, the other Giraffes reacted with great curiosity to the newcomer. The calf ran, frolicked, and explored the Giraffes’ automatic waterers with interest. He also got up close to zoo guests through the exhibit window.
Moving among the herd can be intimidating for a little Giraffe, so he still spends much of his time very close to his mother.
Giraffes were once plentiful on Africa’s savannahs, but recent studies show that Giraffe populations are declining at an alarming rate.
See more photos of the Giraffe calf below.