Hi, Mom! Baby Giraffe Born at Dickerson Park Zoo
May 25, 2014
A baby Giraffe was born on exhibit at the Dickerson Park Zoo on May 19 while zoo staff and curious visitors looked on. These photos were taken in the first hours after the birth.
Photo Credit: Dickerson Park Zoo
The calf, whose gender has not been confirmed and who has not yet been named, appears healthy. The calf met two important milestones – standing and nursing – within two hours of birth.
This is the 12th calf for 21-year-old Gidget. As an experienced mother, Gidget immediately began licking her calf clean after the birth. Like most Giraffe calves, this newborn is about six feet tall.
Giraffes are pregnant for 14-15 months and give birth standing up. Calves drop about six feet to the ground and begin trying to stand shortly afterward. In the wild, it is important for calves to stand and walk as soon as possible to avoid becoming prey for lions or hyenas.