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UPDATE! Columbus Zoo Baby Gorilla Gets Name

G smile

The baby Gorilla born on May 23 at the Columbus Zoo now has a name! He is called Kamoli (pronounced Kam-aw-lee) and he looks pretty happy about that! Since first-time mom Kambera didn't seem to be a natural at mothering skills, the zoo's animal care experts have been raising him, providing the around-the-clock care and nurturing that he needed to grow and become healthy and strong. His keepers spend quite a bit of time near Kambera with the hope of being able to reunite Kamoli with her in the near future. Stay tuned.


Photo Credit: Grahm S. Jones, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

The baby continues to thrive and now you can see him in action in the video below: 

ZooBorns first covered the story of his birth HERE on June 10, where you can see his early pictures and learn more. See more pictures of baby Kamoli after the fold:

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