UPDATE: Baby Gibbon Reaches 2-Month Milestone
July 06, 2013
A rare Javan Gibbon baby at the Greensboro Science Center
celebrated his two-month birthday last week, thanks to the dedicated efforts of
staff and volunteers.
Photo Credit: Greensboro Science Center
Born on April 29, the infant Gibbon was discovered abandoned
by his mother, Isabella, as described in an earlier Zooborns
post. Despite attempts to reunite
mother and baby, staff and volunteers have been hand-rearing the baby 24 hours a day.
Because baby Gibbons cling to their mothers day and night, zoo keepers wear a special furry vest to allow the male baby, named Duke, to cling to them. Duke receives formula from a bottle. Zoo keepers spend the night with Duke so he is never alone.
Zoo keepers bring Duke to see his mother, and, although they are separated by a fence, the two vocalize and touch each other. The zoo staff plans to reunite the Gibbon family within a few months.
Javan Gibbons are endangered on the island of Java in Indonesia, their only wild home. Only about 4,000 of these apes, also called Silvery Gibbons, remain in the wild. Their forest habitat is under intense pressure from the island’s burgeoning human population.
See more pictures of Duke below the fold.