Help Name Disney's Giraffe Calf
July 28, 2013
Photo Credit: Disney's Animal Kingdom
A male Masai Giraffe calf born earlier this month at Disney's Animal Kingdom needs a name! The park invites everyone to vote through July 31 and help the staff choose a name for the baby, which is the first Masai Giraffe calf born at the park.
Masai Giraffes are unique among the nine subspecies of Giraffe found in Africa. The dark brown patches on Masai Giraffes’ coats have jagged edges. About 40,000 Masai Giraffes live in Kenya and Tanzania. Giraffes are threatened by habitat loss and habitat fragmentation as human populations encroach on their native range.
The Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund supports conservation programs around the world, including efforts to reintroduce endangered Rothschild’s Giraffes into Kenya.