UPDATE! Clouded Leopard Cubs at Smithsonian's Front Royal are Growing Up
April 17, 2013
The Clouded Leopard cubs born at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute-Front Royal recently turned 2 months old, which means they’re big enough to have access to a larger enclosure with big climbing structures. Keepers report that the cubs spend most of their time playing and like to climb as high as they can! They’ve also mastered eating solid foods and are steadily gaining weight. The male weighs just over 4.5 pounds, and the female weighs about 3.5 pounds.
Read more about the cubs and see pictures of them as newborns in earlier posts on ZooBorns HERE and HERE.
Photo Credit: Janice Sveda, Smithsonian's National Zoo
Continue after the fold to more of these playful baby pictures!