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Baby Genet Returned to Health at National Zoo of South Africa


This Large-spotted Genet named Nora has been experiencing a human mother’s nurturing for the past three weeks at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa. She arrived at three weeks of age after having been cared for by two other volunteers in Mokopane. It is believed that Nora, then only a few days old, was snatched up by an owl, but managed to get away. Injured when found, she was immediately treated. She was brought to the zoo in Pretoria about three weeks ago and has been cared for by their vet nurse Sr Marilise Meyer, her adopted human mother.

Marilise says Nora’s tiny little teeth have started to come out and she has started eating a few insects along with the specially formulated milk that she drinks. She is curious and likes to explore her surroundings - and that sometimes includes Marilise's desk! There was another female Genet at the Center so Nora got to keep company with her.  

Genets are dispersed throughout Africa and are found across a variety of habitats that have dense vegetation—including woodlands, savannas, and forests. Adults weigh about 4.5 pounds, are about 20 inches long, and live about 8 years in the wild. Due to human population growth and expanding communities, some Genets have adapted to areas where people have settled. The animals have begun to hunt the poultry raised by folks there, causing people to kill them in retaliation.



Photo Credit: National Zoological Gardens of South Africa

Nora has now been sent to the Free Me Rehabilitation Centre in Johannesburg where she will be introduced to another female with the aim of rehabilitation and eventual release into the Waterberg area.
