Busch Gardens' Baby Aardvark Heads out for a Stroll
March 07, 2013
Sporting a wrinkly pink birthday-suit (standard issue for a baby Aardvark), Busch Gardens Tampa Bay's newest resident took one of its first outdoor strolls yesterday. The cub, whose sex is still unknown, is the third for prolific mother and father, Izzy and Frtiz. Sister, Adazee, and brother, Zawadi, were both featured on ZooBorns when they were born in March 2012 and April 2011 respectively. The cub is primarily being cared for by its mother but Busch Gardens' staff are also providing a bit of support as adult Aardvarks have a reputation for clumsy parenting.
Powerful diggers, Aardvarks can slurp up tens of thousands ants or termites in a single night and grow up to 120lbs or more. Follow the cub's progress on Busch Gardens' blog.
Photo credits (above): Adam Lewis / Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.
(Below) Matt Marriott / Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Big Sister Aardvark Adazee (more here)
Big Brother Aardvark Zawadi (more here)