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Baringo Giraffe Calf Has Family Time at Bioparc Valencia

Ramses hero

Two-month-old giraffe Ramses is out and about with the rest of the herd at Bioparc Valenica, Spain. 

Born on November 30th, Ramses is the offspring of Zora and Julius. Zora's first calves were hand-reared by caretakers after the mother rejected her brood. But there's good news: Zora has bonded with her calf this time, and she nurses and devotes caring attention to Ramses. 

Now on display, Ramses shares his exhibit home with other species of the African savanna, including Thomson's Gazelles, Blesbok, Impalas, Crowned Cranes, and Jabirus. 

Ramses 1

Ramses 2

Ramses 4
Photo Credits: Bioparc Valencia

See and learn more after the fold.

Ramses is a subspecies of giraffe known as the Baringo or Rothschild Giraffe. Baringo Giraffes are one of the largest subspecies of giraffe, and can be distinguished by their distinctive coloration. Their coat pattern is more blotchy (rather than boxy) with thicker white lines, and their legs are white below the knees. 

Little Ramses represents a big stride in giraffe conservation. Threatened by habitat loss and poaching, Baringo Giraffes nearly meet the IUCN's ranking of 'critically endangered.' The one naturally occurring wild population, found at Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda, may have fewer than 670 individuals. However, Baringo Giraffes have been reintroduced in Kenya and Uganda. Bioparc Valencia participates in the European Endangered Species Program (EEP) to breed Baringo Giraffes in captivity.

Ramses 3

Ramses 5
