Baby Gorilla is showered with gifts at Little Rock Zoo
November 04, 2012
a baby Western Lowland Gorilla born on August 19, has her own Facebook page and
devoted fans who gave her a baby shower when she was just a few weeks old. Why all the fuss? Adelina is only the second baby Gorilla ever born
at the Little Rock Zoo.
Adelina’s 21-year-old mother, is demonstrating excellent care for her baby, according
to the zoo staff. The father,
26-year-old Fossey, was recommended to breed with Sekani by the Species Survival
Plan (SSP) a breeding and conservation program of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums
(AZA), which accredits North American zoos.
Sekani was registered for her baby shower at a local retailer. Soft receiving blankets topped her list, along with safe and colorful infant toys. In the photos, you can see Sekani studying the cards she received at the shower. Like most youngsters, Adelina appeared to enjoy the wrapping paper more than the gifts themselves.
At 11 weeks old, Adelina is growing normally and appears strong, alert, and healthy. Fans can watch Adelina' progress via weekly updates posted on her Facebook page.
Western Lowland Gorillas are critically endangered in their native central African home, due to illegal hunting and the destruction of their habitat.
Photo Credits: Little Rock Zoo