More Mischievous Meerkats at Taronga Zoo!
September 15, 2012
The Taronga Zoo's Meerkat troop is growing with the addition of two new pups! The new arrivals were born during Australia's winter season.
Taronga's Meerkat mob maintains a strong hierarchy, with Bob taking on the role of alpha male. Kenya and Pretoria alternate as dominant females. As the alpha, it is Bob's job to settle the many daily disputes, both small and large, that take place within the troop. You can be sure that Bob will play a role in disciplining these two curious youngsters as they learn their role in the troop.
Meerkats are native to southern Africa, where they inhabit the Namib and Kalahari deserts. They feed on insects and small animals. Most young in a mob are the offspring of the dominant pair. Meerkats spend most of the day foraging for food, then move into undergournd burrows at night. One Meerkat will usually stand guard as a sentry to watch for danger while the mob is searching for food.
Photo Credit: Taronga Zoo