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SeaWorld Orlando Rescues Two Month Old Turtle Hatchlings


The animal rescue team at SeaWorld Orlando received two Hawksbill Turtle hatchlings earlier this week.  They are approximately two months old.
The first was found at Melbourne Beach by a tourist and was delivered to the Sea Turtle Preservation Society in Melbourne Beach, Fla. It weighs only 2 ounces and is nearly 3 inches long. The hatchling was lethargic and weak when it arrived. The second was found in Cocoa Beach, covered with algae and fauna, and also brought to the Society weighing 2.5 ounces and measuring just over 3 inches long. Both were taken to SeaWorld for examination and continued care, including, feeding, giving fluids and around-the-clock observation and monitoring.  

It’s a tough journey ahead but both turtles are looking better and are showing positive signs. Hawksbill turtles are endangered due to human exploitation and habitat degradation.    


Photo Credit: SeaWorld Orlando 

Read more after the jump:

Because of their age and size, they’re living in a small brooder where the temperature is kept at a constant 84 degrees. They are in the water several times throughout the day but also spend time dry in order to conserve their energy. The turtles are taken home in their brooder each night by a turtle expert (aquarist) for middle-of-the-night feedings.

This year, SeaWorld Orlando has rescued 10 sea turtles and released three.  For more than 45 years, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment has helped animals in need -- ill, injured and orphaned.  More than 20,000 animals have been rescued by SeaWorld experts. SeaWorld’s animal rescue team is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
