It's Alive! Lord Howe Island Stick Insect Hatches at the Melbourne Zoo
Baby Klipspringer Springs Onto Exhibit!

Healing Pajama Party for Twin Baby Sloths


You have read often about the good work being done at Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary here on ZooBorns. Sloth Sanctuary owner Judy Avey-Arroyo is always at work to raise the orphaned baby Sloths that arrive to be healthy and strong. Since the babies are growing up without their mother's antibody-filled milk, they're much more at risk of infection. In the video below, you'll learn of two little ones who are suffering from mange -- a skin infection that is caused by parasitic mites.

But it's another of Judy's proven home remedies to the rescue! The babies get a total body hair cut to remove the place the mites would live. Then, a soothing balm of sulfer and lard skin gets slathered from top to bottom to suffocate any remaining mites. But to keep the babies from licking it all off, the babies are wrapped in colorful bandages... which end up looking a lot like onesies. Watch it all in the video below. 

