Hip Hip Hooray! A Hippo Baby Born at Berlin Zoo
So Many Little Faces! Baby Monkey Boom at Drusillas Park

Perth, Australia's Birds of the South-West Baby Boom!

Elegant Parrot Chicks Hatched October 2011c

Perth Zoo's Birds of the South-west Aviary is home to Australia native birds including Elegant Parrots, Purple-crowned Lorikeets, Bush Stone-curlews, Splendid Fairy-wrens, Black-winged Stilts, Brush Bronzewings, Red-eared Firetails and Crimson Chats. The first four images are of two Elegant Parrot chicks hatched October 5th and the last three (beneath the fold) are of a Purple-crowned Lorikeet chick hatched October 2nd.

Elegant Parrot Chicks Hatched October 2011b

Elegant Parrot Chicks Hatched October 2011a

Elegant Parrot Chicks Hatched October 2011

Purple Crowned Lorikeet hatched October 2b

Purple Crowned Lorikeet hatched October 2c

Purple Crowned Lorikeet hatched October 2
Photo credits: Perth Zoo
