Potoroo Is out of Its Pouch!
Fishing Cat Kittens Just Two Weeks Old!

Ariel the Dolphin and Her New Calf Frolic!

Dolphin Mom Arial and Calf - SeaWorld2

In late July, SeaWorld Orlando welcomed a newborn Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin calf to mother Ariel. Mother and calf have been seen nursing and playing, indicating they are bonding well. To ensure mother and calf have some privacy and nuturing support, the pair are currently being kept in the Dolphin Nursery, which they share only with other pregnant dolphins and new mothers with calves.

Dolphin Mom Arial and Calf - SeaWorld1

Dolphin Mom Arial and Calf - SeaWorld3

Dolphin Mom Arial and Calf - SeaWorld4Photo credits: SeaWorld Orlando
