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Amur Tiger Triplets Visit the Vet

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An update on the Rosamond Gifford Zoo's Amur tiger triplets from our recent post found here.

We reported that the cubs mother, Tatiana, 11, and father, Toma, 10, were introduced to each other this past December. The vivacious trio was the result. “Tatiana is an excellent mother,” said Tom LaBarge, curator of animals at the Zoo. “With the exception of occasional veterinary health checks, we’ll allow her to take care of the cubs without interference."

When the cubs were 26 days old, the time had come for that vet visit. County Executive Joanie Mahoney came to see it happen.

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Photo Credits: Amelia Beamish, Rosamond Gifford Zoo

And now you can see the check up too:

The cubs will be weaned and ready to go on exhibit in late August or early September.
