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Breeding Rare Toads for an Amphibian Ark

A. limosus (lowland) 3

Amphibian populations worldwide are in crisis. A mysterious but far-reaching fungal disease has spread globally and threatens to kill off entire species. Thankfully, organizations like the Smithsonian Institution are doing their part to help. These endangered Limosa Harlequin Frogs, which are technically toads, were bred as part of the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project. The project aims to build an ark to house priority rescue species and find a cure so that one day our assurance populations can be put back in the wild.

The Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project is a joint project between the Smithsonian Institution, Defenders of Wildlife, Zoo New England, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Houston Zoo, El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center, Africam Safari, ANAM and the Summit Zoo (in Panama). Learn more and find out how you can help on their website or show your support on their Facebook page today!

Atelopus limosus lowland juvenile 1

Atelopus limosus baby 2Photo credits: Brian Gratwicke, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
