London Zoo's Newest Arrival is in Good Hands
Baby Hippo Sticks Close to Mom in Basel

Zoo Madrid's Panda Twins Move into a New Crib

At nearly three months old, Zoo Madrid's Panda babies are growing steadily. In these pictures, courtesy of Jeroen Jacobs, the cubs are seen settling into their new wooden crib. The cubs' mother, Hua Zuiba spends some of her day outside eating and napping in her favorite tree. In the winter months, it is too cold for her cubs to join her outside. They pass the time safely nestled together, either in their incubator for extra warmth or exploring their spacious new crib. You can learn more about Jeroen's visit to Zoo Madrid at his website

Madrid Zoo Pandas 6

Madrid Zoo Pandas 1

Madrid Zoo Pandas 8

Madrid Zoo Pandas 9
Photo credits: Jeroen Jacobs taken at Zoo Madrid

More photos below the fold...!

Madrid Zoo Pandas 4

Madrid Zoo Pandas 7

Madrid Zoo Pandas 5

Madrid Zoo Pandas 3

Madrid Zoo Pandas 2
