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Happy Birthday Baby Beluga!

Today Shedd Aquarium's baby Beluga calf, Nunavik, turns one year old! A healthy, happy and playful little tyke of 450 lbs., it's hard to believe that Nunavik almost did not survive his first day. Complications with the birth were overcome by Shedd's outstanding veterinary staff. Today Nunavik loves nothing more than mimicing the antics of mom, Puiji, and enrichment time with Shedd aquarists.

Baby Beluga Nunavik Shedd Aquarium 1

Baby Beluga Nunavik Shedd Aquarium 1

Baby Beluga Nunavik Shedd Aquarium 1

Baby Beluga Nunavik Shedd Aquarium 1Photo credits: Shedd Aquarium

See Nunavik's newborn photos here and check-out Shedd's Facebook page for many more baby beluga pictures and ongoing updates.
