Meet Hamish the Baby Bamboo Lemur!
November 16, 2010
In September we brought you the sad but hopeful story of a little Lesser Bamboo Lemur that had been rejected by its mother and was being hand-reared by keeper Claire at the UK's Banham Zoo. Today we bring you wonderful news that the orphan lemur is doing quite well. Here is an update from the Banham Zoo's Facebook page. "As you can see from the photo [Hamish] is progressing really well and is now living in an offshow pen next to his family during the day. He loves having the extra space to leap and jump around and has a real fondness for bamboo shoots! He only gets four milk feeds a day now and no longer requires night feeds so main carer Claire can now actually get a decent nights sleep! We are introducing fruit and vegetables to him and his favourites so far seem to be peas, mini corn and banana! We are all very pleased with how well he is doing."