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Loro Parque Welcomes Killer Whale Calf

Fennec Friday!

Twice in one week, the Everland Zoo's photographer, In Cherl Kim, has delivered outstanding photos of one of our favorite animals - this time it's the inimitable Fennec Fox! This small nocturnal fox's oversized ears help it track down tasty critters in the dark and also help it dissipate heat in the hot desert sun. An unanticipated tertiary benefit of the Fennec's huge ears was instant celebrity status on ZooBorns. In accredited North American zoos, Fennec Fox breeding is carefully managed by a Species Survival Plan, administered by the St. Louis Zoo. The first two pictures were taken just three days ago, while the second two pictures depict an older kit back in September.

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Family Portrait

Baby fennec fox pup everland zoo 1

Photo credits: In Cherl Kim / Everland Zoo

If these aren't reason enough to plan a trip to Korea and the Everland Zoo, we're not sure what is.
