Meet "Furball" the Orphan Otter
Tiny Tapir ‘Perfection’ Spotted at Edinburgh Zoo

Baby Lemur Gets a Bath

Another week, another baby with mixed feelings about mom's doting attention ("That's enough already mom!"). In this case, an eight week old baby collared lemur at the Bronx Zoo also attracts a would-be auntie of a different species who thinks mom might have missed a spot. Definitely watch the video at the bottom.

Baby collared lemur baby 2

Baby collared lemur and baby bronx zoo 1b

Photo credits: Julie Larsen Maher / WCS Bronx Zoo

If you live in the New York area or have been looking for an excuse to visit, go check out this adorable primate at the Zoo's Madagascar! Spiny Forest Exhibit and you might just catch a lemur bath.
