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April 2010

Baby Boom Continues at Bronx Zoo

The Bronx Zoo recently announced two very special additions to its family – a new baby brown collared lemur in the zoo’s Madagascar! exhibit and a baby silver leaf langur in JungleWorld.  Both recently born at WCS’s Bronx Zoo, and both are special species as there are less than 50 of each in captivity world wide.


hard to spot in all this fur, but this little lemur is clinging tight to Mom!


The silver leaf langur baby has a striking orange color in comparison to its parents’ silver coats and will continue to stand out until its fur changes color somewhere between three to five months of age.

Photo Credits: Julie Larsen Maher © Wildlife Conservation Society

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Akron Zoo Announces Two Capybara Births

The Akron Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth on March 24, 2010 of two capybara babies. Mother capy', Courtney, and the two babies are now on exhibit in the Zoo’s Legends of the Wild. The capybaras will be on exhibit daily as long as the temperature is above 65 degrees and conditions are favorable. The capybara's scientific name hydrochaeris is Greek for "Water Hog" and they live up to it!



Submarine Capy!

Baby capybaras akron zoo 3



Baby capybaras akron zoo 4

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Meet Cricket, a Beautiful 'Little' Lady

Although it typically takes human babies around 12 months to take their first steps, baby giraffes can stand within 20 minutes of birth. Given that calves like little Cricket here stand 6' 4" tall on long, wobbly legs, this is even more remarkable. Born April 14th, Cricket is already running laps around the Denver Zoo's giraffe yard at just over one week old!

Baby giraffe calf denver zoo 1

Baby giraffe calf denver zoo 2

Baby giraffe calf denver zoo 3 rs1

Baby giraffe calf denver zoo 4

Baby giraffe calf denver zoo 3 rs2 Photo credits: Dave Parsons / Denver Zoo

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Baby Wolverines Are Not So Fierce

For the first time in thirteen years, Skansen (aka the Stockholm Zoo) welcomed the pitter patter of little wolverine paws! Since wolverine cubs are born hidden away in the den, the exact birth date is unclear. However, keepers suspect it was in the middle of February when mother Jonna started spending more time in the den and chasing away her mate, Untamo, when he got too close. When keepers spotted tiny footprints in the snow, they knew it was just a matter of time before the cubs would choose to make their debut, seen below:

Wolverine skansen zoo 1

Baby wolverines skansen zoo 2

Photo and video credits: Skansen

Skansen specializes in native Swedish species and participates in regional conservation efforts.

Britain's Bush Baby Twins

Keepers at Scotland's Edinburgh Zoo are celebrating the birth of their first female bushbaby to a breeding pair they received in 2005. The little girl also has a twin male sibling. Born January 5th, the Mohol bushbabies just reached an age when they could be examined by keepers without undue stress, so it was not until this week that zoo vets confirmed the babies' genders.


Photo Credits: RZSS

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Feisty Fossa Debuts in Denver

This week, the Denver Zoo welcomed Dorian the fossa, a feisty and mischievous four year old. However, we used this occasion as an excuse to dig up some old photos of Dorian and his two siblings when they were just pups at the San Diego Zoo back in 2006.

Baby fossa sd zoo 1

Baby fossa sd zoo 2

Baby fossa sd zoo 3

Above photo credits: San Diego Zoo

Fossas are the largest carnivore in Madagascar and they are closely related to the mongoose. In case you doubted their feistiness, enjoy the video below. They are like cat-weasels on speed.

A portrait of Dorian as a young man, getting used to his new surroundings at the Denver Zoo.

Dorian as a young man

Photo credit: Dave Parsons / Denver Zoo 

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San Diego's Second Elephant Birth This Year

We've seen a lot of elephant action this year, in particular from Taronga Zoo. Now, San Diego Zoo is in line for a hat trick of baby African elephants! This unnamed male calf was born on Thursday to 20-year-old Swazi. A male calf born two months ago, on Valentine’s Day, was recently bestowed a very fitting name: Lutsandvo (loot-sund-vor), or "love" in the SiSwati language.



Photo Credits: San Diego Zoo

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Lounging Lioness at Litchfield's Wildlife World Zoo

Litchfield Arizona's Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium welcomes its first new lioness in nearly two decades. The 9-week-old female arrived recently from a facility in Ohio and seems to have settled into the new nursery. Like other large cat species, lion cubs grow in size quickly as they transition from an entirely milk diet to one with meat. In a few weeks, the still-unnamed lioness will be moved to a large outdoor display.



Photo credits: The Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium