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February 2009

Tahina, the Orphan Sifaka

The Besancon Zoo in Eastern France welcomed the arrival of a baby Sifaka in late December. 'Tahina' means 'needs to be protected' in malgache. With no mother to protect her, 'Tahina' is seen living up to her name by clinging tightly to a surrogate stuffed Mommy Lemur.

(Jeff Pachoud/AFP/Getty Images)



A four to five month gestation period ends with the birth of a single offspring in July. The young holds fast to the mother's belly when small, but then later is carried on her back. Young are weaned after about six months and reach full maturity at the age of two to three years. The life expectancy of the sifakas is up to 18 years.

SF Zoo's Baby Gorilla Needs a Name

Remember our friend from the San Francisco Zoo? Born on December 8th of last year, the baby gorilla boy abandoned by his mother is doing fine and now he needs a name.  San Francisco Zoo is hosting a contest to give him one.


Prizes for the winning name include:
  • Zoo Family Membership for the zoo closest to the winner's place of residency
  • Large Gorilla Plush
  • Framed photo of the infant gorilla with a footprint
  • Thirty minute Live Q&A with a gorilla keeper (either in person, via phone or internet depending on location of winner)



More contest details are below the fold as well as a lengthy and adorable video...

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Baby Giant Anteater at the Audubon Zoo

Like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, this baby Giant Anteater was born January 8th, at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. Only a few weeks old and already sporting a snout that would make any mama anteater proud, the gender is not yet determined, as the little guy or gal spends all day clinging to mom's shaggy coat. (Note: the video can take a little while to load)

Baby giant anteater audobon zoo

Video: Giant baby anteater on display for first time

Photo and Video: Jennifer Zdon / The Times-Picayune

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Wallaby Joeys at the Kangaroo Conservation Center

Meet the Kangaroo Conservation Center's most recent arrivals: Soleil, Oliver and an as of yet to be named little joey born to mama Bindi. These are Agile Wallabies, Northern Australian and Indonesian marsupials related to their better known cousins, red and grey kangaroos. All three of these babies were born in the summer of 2008, but have been hidden in pouches for most of that time. For the incubator babies, a cloth pouch was provided.

Soleil and Oliver have a close bond
Agile wallaby joeys

A warm home
Wallaby in incubator

What do you think this baby Joey's name should be?
Baby wallaby joey kangaroo conservation center

Agile Wallabies are rarely exhibited in the States and the Kangaroo Conservation Center has the largest collection. 

What's a Duiker?

Shy creatures that prefer to stay in the brush, duiker are small antelope from Sub-Saharan Africa. This little fellow was born at the LA Zoo on January 9th. While duiker feed primarily on leaves, buds, seeds, fruit and bark, they also will eat protein given the opportunity, and have been observed stalking and eating small rodents.

Black Duiker 1-23-09_Tad Motoyama  

Black Duiker Baby-Tad Motoyama
Photo credit Tad Motoyama / LA Zoo

"Duiker" means "dive" in Afrikaans, so named because of their tendency to dive into cover when startled.

Smithsonian National Zoo: It's a Girl!

The Smithsonian National Zoo is pleased to announce that its three-week-old baby gorilla is a female. The baby was born on January 10 to 26-year-old mom Mandara and 16-year-old dad Baraka. Mandara is again proving herself to be an exemplary mother, and is caring for her baby with great confidence and tenderness.


Photo Credit: Mehgan Murphy, Smithsonian's National Zoo


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How Much Milk Does A Baby Rhino Drink? A Lot!

Ramir, a 6-week-old Indian rhinoceros, drank three bottles of milk from one of his caretakers, Marcia Diehl, a San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park keeper. The male calf is being bottle-fed more than a gallon of milk five times per day.


You won't see Ramir crying over the milk he's spilling - there's plenty more where that came from!


Protein and exercise keep this baby as slim as he his.

Photos by Ken Bohn, San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park

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